VirtualAcorn Unlock Code Request Form

VirtualRPC has been moved to a new computer and the old computer is still functioning

If this is the first time you have installed this copy of VirtualRPC or if you are installing VirtualRPC on a different computer after theft or failure please hit back on your browser and choose the correct form for the circumstances.

Use this form if VirtualRPC needs to be unlocked on a new computer and the old computer is still working.

The following support articles may be useful:

  Please complete all sections of this form before pressing the 'Place unlock code request' button.
First name
So we can find you on our database:

So we can find you on our database:

E-mail address
We use this address to send you your unlock code:

Repeat e-mail address:
Please re-enter your e-mail address for verification

VirtualAcorn CD serial number
Printed on your CD (NOT on a sticker):

Product ID number
Shown on screen when you run VirtualRPC (12 digits, hyphen, 6 digits):

Installation confirmations:
I confirm that VirtualRPC has been un-installed from the old machine. *

I confirm that VirtualRPC will not be re-installed on the old machine. *


All contents are © 3QD Developments Ltd 2017
Last page edit :2024-07-27 05:09:24am
RUCHS (Replacement Unlock Code Handling System 2.0) Version 0.28 - 31st March 2021
Graphics constructed using DrawWorks XL